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A tribute to the traditional potters of Agost, Spain.

Heroes of Clay is a documentary project and tribute to all the traditional potters and ceramic related workers (women and men) in the village of Agost, Spain. Their trade involves up to 9 generations.
It is also a call for awareness to what could be the end of this tradition in a very short period of time. 
The book has over 100 color and black and white images and 240 pages. Most of these are portraits, contextual portraits, work areas and potters at work.

The project was subsidized by Spanish institution “Diputación de Alicante” and ”Agost City Hall”.  It involved over 60 photo sessions and  3000 km in mobility. The work flow was designed to visit 32 people,

Before I started the photo sessions I made recorded interviews of them. Many retired in their homes and others working in their workshops / studios. 

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